The "/whatis" page:
Typical usage:
Additional query parameters:
ln - show line numbers
ln=N - highlight line number N
ln=M-N - highlight lines M through N inclusive
ln=M-N+Y-Z - highlight lines M through N and Y through Z (inclusive)
verbose - show more detail in the description
download - redirect to the download (artifact page only)
name=SHA1HASH - Provide the SHA1HASH as a query parameter
filename=NAME - Show information for content file NAME
fn=NAME - "fn" is shorthand for "filename"
ci=VERSION - The specific check-in to use for "filename=".
The /artifact page show the complete content of a file
identified by HASH as preformatted text. The
/whatis page shows only a description of the file. The /file
page shows the most recent version of the file or directory
called NAME, or a list of the top-level directory if NAME is