TWCOS Kernel


The kernel manages collections of data using the following high level concepts:

Map interface

The map interface defines an abstract name/value based dictionary, to allow the storage and lookup of a value keyed by name.

The basic operations of a map are:

The map also provides operations to:


Tree map

The tree map implements a binary search tree (BST) implementation of map. At it's most basic level,

Luser_start: box "0x00100085" "user_start" fit
Lheader: box at 1 sw of Luser_start "0x00100020" "header"  fit
Lmultiboot_mmap: box at 1 se of Luser_start "0x001000a8" "multiboot_mmap" fit
L_start: box at 1 se of Lheader "0x00100050" "_start" fit
Lmultiboot_mod: box at 1 se of Lmultiboot_mmap "0x001000e5" "multiboot_mod" fit

arrow from Luser_start.s to Lheader.n "left"
arrow from Luser_start.s to Lmultiboot_mmap.n "right"
arrow from Lheader.s to L_start.n "right"
arrow from Lmultiboot_mmap.s to Lmultiboot_mod.n "right"

Vector map

Vector map operates like an array, with the key selecting a value by ordinal position.